Monday, March 28, 2011

There isn't freedom on this world

No more freedom on this world,
everywhere the "Big Brother" is dictating the right behavior...

The Earth is much suffering because of Human's activity but
the governments still follow to believe in the Illusion of a Wonderful Future.

What Wonderful Future should you Imagine in a Land without Freedom?!

The Free Spirits need to Meet in this Virtual Domain for to Build a New
"Freedom Land".

The Free Spirits need to Join their Amazing Energies for to Build a New World.

We need all to Believe than We Really posede a "Great Power" in our Spirits.

We need to Begin a new Underground Activity for to Overcome this Dictatorial world!

Sunday, March 27, 2011

We need more fredoom!

Freedom is priceless, we can't buy freedom anywhere!

We absolutely need to find a niche were to rediscover our fundamental and unlimited freedom.

The world is a jungle of barriers and laws than impede the most part of our personal freedom.

We need to associate in Cyberspace for to Fund a new Free Virtual Land.

This is the first step in trying to make a new Spirit of Freedom than should bring to a New World.

Also when the situation is really worst we don't have to loose our Faith in the Real Possibility of to Bring a Re-birth of Freedom on Earth.

If we can't find the Freedom in this Virtual Dimension how we should Find it in Reality?